Loony cartoons are often used in cartoon movies or series. These are the ones with crazy looking expressions or disproportionate facial features
How to Draw an Ostrich

An ostrich has a round body and it is the only part that is fully covered in feathers. He has very long legs that he uses to run fast, and he has a long neck so he can reach the ground and higher levels for food.
• Draw an oval for the ostrich’s round body.
• Start outlining the length of the legs and the neck.
• Complete the shape of the leg and the neck. The head of the ostrich should be a bit round, and don’t forget the beak.
• Add the ostrich’s tail feathers. The individual shapes of the feathers (which look like fingers) should slightly overlap the other feather behind it, and so forth.
• Draw his wings. A folded wing of an ostrich does not get bigger than his body.
• Add the little details on his wings with thin and light lines, and all the other particulars such as the short feathers around his neck and the linings on his legs.

You can finish the sketch by simply shading the body of the ostrich. Use the sides of the pencil when you are going to apply a thin layer of shade marks.

Shading the body with the same pencil you drew with is a good way to easily finish a drawing or even just a sketch. The sketchy lines provide a good portrayal of the animal’s body details and general skin texture.
How to Draw a Giraffe

You cannot draw a giraffe without including the unique features such as its slim legs and a really long neck. Big drawings easily get out of shape if you just quickly draw without making a draft or a simple sketch first. To avoid this, always start with the biggest part which is usually the body.
• Draw an oval for the giraffe’s body.
• Sketch line marks (like drawing a stick figure) for the length of the legs. You are going to use this to have a better vision of your drawing. Now you can easily visualize how big the body is and how long the legs are. The blocks on the ends of the sticks are the giraffe’s feet. Now start drawing the giraffe.

• Use thicker line marks for drawing the outlines (thicker than the sketch marks). You can sketch the body first before making a final outline.
• Draw the giraffe from its back and up to its head. It looks more proportionate if the neck is just as long or not far from the length of the legs.
• Then draw the lower body. Complete the shape outline of your giraffe including the thickness of its legs.
• Draw the facial features. If the head of your giraffe is in a quarter turn, the nearer eye should be a little bigger than the farther eye.
• Erase the sketch marks. You need the inner portion of the drawing to be clean for applying the body prints of the giraffe.
• Draw the other details.
If any portions of your outlines got blurred, clean up the darkened areas by gently erasing the part, and then re-apply the outline. The body prints of giraffes are like combinations of simple polygons, they are usually pentagons and hexagons of different sizes. Giraffes are moderately covered with their unique body print from head to toe.

How to Draw a Turtle

• Sketch an oval for the turtle’s body. This would be the turtle’s shell. Shells of turtles in side view are curvier on the top and a little flat below.
• Sketch the head, with its neck sticking out from the lower side of the oval/ shell.
• Use reference lines to have a better alignment when drawing the eyes.
• Complete the head of the turtle, and down to the neck.
• Fix the shape of the shell, create a better outline and overlap the oval.
• Complete the parts of the turtle by drawing its feet.

The hard Shells of turtles have different designs. The most common design (such as a red ears turtle’s) on their shells is arranged sets of polygonal shapes. Turtle shells are usually bowl shaped. The details on it should adjust with the dimensions of the bowl or the shell might look flat.
• Sketch some line marks across the shell of the turtle, make sure that the lines are bended according to the actual shape of a bowl-like container.
• Once you applied some reference lines, use them as a guide to form polygons (mostly hexagons)
• Finally, finish the drawing by erasing the unnecessary line marks (reference marks and wrong sketch strokes) and fix the blurred outlines.
How to Draw an Octopus

• Start with the shape of the octopus’ head. The head is rounder on the lower back side and a little flat on the top (like a human’s forehead).
• To avoid the tentacles looking entangled, don’t draw them all at once. Sketch the length of the tentacles on the front side (I decided to have six tentacles at the front).
• Complete the thickness of the front tentacles that goes with the size of the head.
• Once you already drew the first set of tentacles, erase the sketch lines.
• Complete the number of tentacles (since I already placed six at front, I only need to make three more at the back).
When the outline of your octopus is complete, replace the sketch marks with a darker and neater line mark. Use the reference line to properly align the eyes. Because of the octopus’ body shape it is often drawn without a mouth. In this case, the eyes should be expressive.

Learning how to draw loony cartoon animals is a delightful way to enhance your artistic skills while having fun. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned artist, these whimsical characters offer endless possibilities for creativity and imagination.
Dive into this step-by-step guide to bring your favorite cartoon animals to life, and don’t forget to share your creations with friends and family! Keep practicing, and soon you’ll have your own zoo of lively cartoon animals.