If your child is extremely motivated to learn how to draw, this guide will not only teach your child how to become a better artists by learning to draw some common objects they always see around. S/he will also begin developing important cognitive skills to start exploring the outer world by effectively expressing a view of the things s/he sees.
Let’s Get Started
I will describe how to draw a Boat with an old man rowing as an example. The remaining examples will be the graphical step by step representation of the same basic principle. There are four distinct parts of this image the boat, the paddle, the old man and the water. The final image will look like this:

All you need is an HB pencil, rubber, paper, pencil sharpener, a cotton bud and a photo/video of a Boat with a man in water.
Step 1
First start with a basic frame. Draw the basic outline of the boat, old man and the paddle. The boat will be banana-shaped.

Step 2
Now start to draw the head of the man. Draw some hair at the side of the head since the old man is bald. Then draw the man’s eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrow. Draw the fingers of the hand that are holding the paddle.

Step 3
In this step, draw the arm, sleeve and the shirt collar of the old man. Finish off drawing the fingers holding the oar.

Step 4
Draw the rest of the old man’s shirt . Draw the forearm . Note that his shirt is folded above the elbow. Draw out the rest of the man.

Step 5
Draw the boat . Once the wooden boards are drawn, finish the lower end of the paddle. Now draw the waterlines on the paddle-end and towards the bottom of the boat. Erase any guidelines that you drew .

Step 6
In this step , draw water curls and ripples so that it seems like the boat is floating on the water.

Step 7
Give finishing touches and you are done.

Taa Daa. You have just drawn a beautiful Boat with a man rowing. Congrats!
Let us move on to other cool stuffs to draw . Have fun!

I hope you and your little angel have enjoyed this guide. If this guide has been helpful to you, I would really appreciate your feedback.
Learning to draw step by step is a fantastic way for kids to unlock their creativity while building essential motor skills and confidence. With simple, guided tutorials, children can turn their imaginations into reality, creating artwork they’re proud of. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or young artist, these easy drawing activities are perfect for making art fun and accessible for everyone. Start exploring today and inspire a lifetime of creativity!